What is it:
Churches of God Women’s Ministries (CGWM) is a national organization within the Winebrenner Churches of God. Each local Church in the denomination has their own group of women who meet on a regular basis.
Purpose of CGWM:
To show God’s love in action through service and hospitality. 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
To promote sisterly bonding and Christian growth.
More info:
Our Church’s group meets once a month from September through June. Our meetings consist of a devotional, a business meeting, refreshments and fellowship.
We have several fundraisers each year to enable us to financially support needs within our Church, communtiy, nationally, and internationally. Some of those we support are our Church of God Home residents, New Hope ministries, Haiti, World Vision, Bethesda Mission, China Outreach Ministries, Missionary Flights International, Winebrenner Seminary and Church of God missionaries in our country and overseas.
We host funeral luncheons for our deceased members and congregational lunches when the need arises. We send greeting cards to our shut ins and nursing home residents. Being a part of a larger organization we also participate in fund raising for projects in the Church of God General and Eastern Regional Conferences.
We invite you to join us as we seek to follow Christ’s example of serving and meeting the needs of others “for the glory of God”.